# Example 4f: # # More non-standard calibration requests. # # EXTRACALS can be different for each target, as well. # # Note: There is no comment for the second target, but we need a place # holder in the TRACK_LIST table to keep the parser happy. # COMMON PROGRAM UT08-1-001 EQUINOX 2000.0 INSTRUMENT LRS GRISM g2 SLIT 1.5 FILTER GG385 BINCOL 2 BINROW 1 SEEING 2.0 SKYBRIGHT 18.0 STDCALS Y # I want the standard cals, PLUS those listed in EXTRACALS TRACK_LIST OBJECT RA DEC MAG PRI EXP VISITS EXTRACALS COMMENT bluestar 12:12:12.12 +12:12:12.1 12.0 2 1200 2 2xcalNe@600s "make sure we have enough lines in the blue" redstar 13:13:13.13 +13:13:13.1 13.0 3 1300 3 3xcalCd@10s ""