Closure Conditions |
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Warning Conditions |
Wind |
>5 wind gusts over 40 mph in a 5 min interval.
Gusting over 45 mph
Average wind speed over 40 mph |
| |
Gusting reaches 35.0 mph
Average reaches 30.0 mph |
Relative Humidity |
Maximum RH over 97.5%
Average RH over 96%
Rain detection in last 10 min. |
| |
Maximum RH over 95.5%
Average RH over 90.0% |
Dust |
1 µm dust count over 100,000 counts per cubic foot
0.3 µm dust count over 6,000,000 counts per cubic foot
Please note the special actions to protect the optical surfaces listed below |
| |
1 µm dust count over 50,000
Dust and Humidity |
The dust/humidity relationship is defined by a flat line
to point A from 0 percent humidity then sloping to point B
at which point it is constant to 95% humidity
1 µ A = 25% humidity and 100,000 counts per cubic foot and
B = 60% humidity and 50,000 counts per cubic foot
0.3 µ A = 25% humidity and 2,800,000 counts per cubic foot and
B = 60% humidity and 6,000,000 counts per cubic foot
| |
Suddenly increasing dust
and increasing humidity | |
Smoke |
The smoke closure criteria are the same as the dust and humidity closure criteria plus:
large ash particles (larger than 1 um sometimes up to 1 cm in size) in flashlight beam
The distinct smell of smoke
Please note the special actions for smoke and dust closure below |
Dewpoint |
Based on 5 minute averages
(Ext Temp - Ext Dewpoint) < 1.5C
(Tracker Temp - Ext Dewpoint) < 0.5C
A WARNING TO CHECK FOR CONDENSATION: based on 5 minute averages
(Ext Temp - Ext Dewpoint) < 2.0C
(Tracker Temp - Ext Dewpoint) < 1.0C
A WARNING TO WARM THE DOME: based on 5 minute averages
(Int Temp - Int Dewpoint) < 1.0C
(Tracker Temp - Int Dewpoint) < 1.0C
(Ext Temp - Int Dewpoint) < 1.0C |
Temperature |
Outside of range -10 to 35C |
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Outside of range -5 to 30C |
Threat of Precipitation |
Rain Sensor on either Mountain
TO's Assessment of Threatening Clouds
The distinct sound of thunder