




Phase I Proposal

The normal Observing periods are:

  • YYYY-1 (Dec-Mar of year YYYY)
  • YYYY-2 (Apr--July of year YYYY)
  • YYYY-3 (Aug-Nov of year YYYY)
Science operations are underway with the LRS2, VIRUS and HPF instruments. Dark time will be dominated by HETDEX observations until the survey is completed in summer 2024.

Please contact your local HET or TAC representative to find out how your institution is going to run Phase I proposals and TAC allocations. For any other questions please contact the HET resident astronomers at astronomer(at)het.as.utexas.edu.

Phase I involves the interaction between your TAC and you the Principal Investigator. First you should read what each TAC requires. Then you should become familiar with the observing procedures and capabilities of the HET.

The following links are mostly out-dated or broken - your institution will notify you on the procedures for submitting proposals to your TAC

You can get information about the telescope, instruments and calibrations in various locations in this web site. It is important to plan for extra time for overhead or special calibrations. Below we list some of the more important links you may need.

  1. Information for new users
  2. Phase I Basics (Texas)
  3. HET Overview
  4. Instruments
  5. Calibrations
  6. Project Feasibility
  7. Some HETiosyncrasies of HET Data Acquisition

Last updated: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 12:16:11 +0000 stevenj

Phase I

Phase I Information for New Users

Phase I Basics


Spectrophotometric Standard Stars

Radial Velocity Standard Stars

Telluric Standard Stars

Project Feasibility

Data Acquisition HETiosyncrasies