




Language Structure

TSL is a line oriented language where the PI submits a target list as an ASCII file (or several appended files.) Each submission file is fundamentally structured as a series of blocks which contain parameter/value pairs. The blocks are hierarchical and represent the nested elements of the language as described below.

A collection of parameter/value pairs which apply to any subsequent GROUP, TRACK, or ACTION unless explicitly overridden in a subsequent block.
One or more actions that take place during a single HET trajectory for a specified DEC and RA or for a non-sidereal object.
A set of associated TRACKs or ACTIONs with specific operational characteristics. For example, a GROUP can specify:
  1. A set of TRACKs which must be executed on the same night
    (Group type = AND)
  2. A set of TRACKs of which only a subset are required
    (Group type = POOL)
  3. A set of ACTIONs to be executed in a specific sequence on the same night even if they are in different tracks
    (Group type = SEQ)
  4. A set of TRACKs to be executed in a specific order on one or more nights
    (Group type = ORD)
There may be any number of groups within a single program but groups do NOT cross program boundaries.

Group names must be unique only within a given program.

Grouping of targets is a powerful control, but adds to execution timing constraints. Consider carefully whether a conceptual grouping really requires this executional grouping.

A single schedulable event. Examples include a science exposure or a calibration lamp.

There are two additional block types, TARGET_LIST and ACTION_LIST, representing aggregate TRACKs (with implied ACTIONs) and ACTIONs, respectively. These allow the PI to specify TARGET and ACTION parameters in a row/column format where the first row is the list of parameters names and each subsequent row in the block is a list of TARGET and/or ACTION values.

Last updated: Sun, 03 Apr 2011 19:58:35 +0000 caldwell

Phase II

Phase II Information for New Users


Language Structure

Language Syntax


Keyword Table

Keyword Descriptions

Collecting Efficiency

TSL Control of Calibrations

Program Notes

Finding Charts

Synoptic Targets

Phase Blocking in TSL

Synoptic Date Block

Phase II Management