




HPF SNR estimates

Beginning in trimester 2020-1, we are providing SNR estimates for all HPF exposures. As defined by the HPF team, this SNR is calculated per 1D extracted pixel (corresponding to ~10 pixels on the HPF echellograph) around 1.07um (order 18). This is what the HPF exposure time calculator tool produces, as well. These SNR estimates now appear in the "Objects Observed" page of your program on Hydra, as shown in green highlighting in the screenshot below:

Also note that "Sky conditions" indicate the average sky surface brightness (in mag/arcsec2) in a given filter, and the average sky transparency given in parentheses. These values come from the guide stars used during each target's exposure.

HPF quick-look spectra

Starting in February 2020, PNG snapshots of quick-look spectra are being copied to TACC in your raw data folders, like: /work/03946/hetdex/maverick/20200206/hpf/raw//*.png Shown below is an annotated example of one of these spectra. These are not fully reduced data but are intended to give a sense of the data quality, and are used by the RAs on site to evaluate your observations in real time.

Daily Goldilocks reductions

This page on HPF data reduction has more information about the data products available daily.

Last updated: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 10:40:23 +0000 stevenj

Phase III

Phase III Information for New Users

HPF quick-look

How to Retrieve Data

World Coordinate System for HET frames

Finding Calibration Files

Updates to Your Target List

Data Rejection Policy


Data Reduction Tips

Filling Factor Estimator