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HET Program Status Page

Once the Phase II has been submitted to the HET night operations staff you can check the status of your proposal online:

Program Statistics CGI

This program will show you the status of each target submitted, a summary of any targets observed, and a summary of the amount of TAC allocated time that has been expended.

The contact person for each program (see Program Notes in the Phase II) will be notified about any observations taken for that program. The data can then be collected from the ftp site in Austin. See:

Program Management

After the Phase II is complete you may need to make changes to your initial Phase II. We have created a list of suggestions to make this easier. Please review these before making changes to your Phase II.

How To Retrieve Data

Once you have your data it is wise to quickly examine their quality and usefulness and give feedback to the night operations staff for your next observations. Your best contacts for data reduction of HET data are likely to be other researchers at your institution, but you may contact the night operations staff with some questions. We have created a short list of data reduction tips based upon suggestions and comments from PI's:

Data Reduction Tips

Not all observations go as well as planned and a PI may receive data of inferior quality. Often the contact person will have information about this in the email they received from the night operations staff, which is the first place to look. The second place to look is in the Program Statistics, which are based upon the RA Night Reports. In the last column you will see whether each observation is rejected or accepted. If the observation is rejected it will not be charged to your program. If you discover that you have received a spectrum of inadequate quality you may request to have that spectrum rejected. To do so, first take note of the steps set forth in the:

HET Data Rejection Policy

If you have questions about your program, first check our FAQ link below. If you are still wondering, feel free to contact the night operations staff with your query (email the Resident Astronomers).

Frequently Asked Questions

Last updated: Thu, 15 Oct 2020 05:58:22 +0000 stevenj

Phase III

Phase III Information for New Users

HPF quick-look

How to Retrieve Data

World Coordinate System for HET frames

Finding Calibration Files

Updates to Your Target List

Data Rejection Policy


Data Reduction Tips

Filling Factor Estimator