




HRS Exposure Meter

N.B., HRS-2 is still in early phases of development and much of the information on this page may be outdated!

The HRS now has a detector setup inside the spectrograph to monitor 1% of both the sky fiber and the source fiber. Below is the filter set and sensitivity available to the exposure meter.
N.B., HRS-2 is still in early phases of development and much of the information on this page may be outdated!

Last updated: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 02:06:15 +0000 stevenj


The Telescope

Technical Overview

Object Observability


Non-sidereal observations



LRS2 Summary

LRS2 Details

LRS2 Fiber Layout and Position Angle

LRS2 Throughput

LRS2 Observing details


VIRUS - Summary

VIRUS - Setting up on targets

VIRUS - Misc details

VIRUS - Throughput and sensitivity

VIRUS - low surface brightness sensitivity

VIRUS - Dithers, IFUs, Tiling

VIRUS - Tiling observations

Habitable Zone Planet Finder (HPF)

HPF Details

HPF Setting up on targets

HPF Throughput and Exposure Meter

HPF Data Reductions

HRS-2 (in development)

HRS-2 Summary

HRS-2 Details

HRS-2 configurations

HRS-2 exposure meter

HRS-2 Position Angle and Fiber layout

HRS-2 Throughput

Old Instruments

HRS - old

LRS - old

MRS - old

Program Preparation

Web Management System