HRS-2 (High Resolution Spectrograph) Instrument Summary
- Still in early phases of development with no commissioning timeline yet
- Based on the HRS developed by Bob Tull
- Fiber-coupled, single object with sky fibers
- Bench-mounted in insulated chamber in spectrograph room in HET basement
- Spectrograph enclosure temperature stabilized to about X K
- Mosaic to two R-4 echelle gratings and white pupil design
- R = 18000 to 105000
- 390 to 1100nm wavelength coverage in two exposures, one octave in one exposure
- CCD is 4096 x 4096 mosaic of 2 E2V 2kx4k CCDs. The blue-side CCD is standard silicon, and the red-side CCD is a deep depletion device.
- Max value 262143 ADU; max safe value is 255k to avoid nonlinearity issues.
- Better than XX meter/second long-term wavelength stability
- Low scattered light
- X% peak throughput on the sky
- Funded by NSF and UT Austin
- Commissioned in XXXXX
- For target acquisition and auto-guiding notes, see the performance page
Last updated: Fri, 24 Jul 2020 19:42:17 +0000 stevenj
